16th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics
July 6-12, 2024, Takamatsu, Japan
What’s new and Announcements
Congress Program
Time table (version of 20240630)
Congress Program (version of 20240709)
We strongly recommend you to stay the hotels shown in this webpage for your wonderful stay in Takamatsu.
Congress Social Functions
This international conference will feature a lot of social events for participants to enjoy, unprecedented anywhere in the world. This will change the history of social events at academic international conferences. You find the social event of IIAI AAI 2024 through the following page.
The entry of excursions has been started!!
Deadline of paper submission has been updated due to a lot of requests.
Full/Short/Poster Paper Submission due: April 15, 2024 April 20, 2024(PST)
Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 10, 2024 May 12, 2024(PST)
Cameraready due: May 28, 2024(PST)
Early Registration due: May 28, 2024(PST)
IIAI AAI 2024 Congress dates: July 6-12, 2024
Call for Paper
The 16th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics brings together scientists, engineers, computer users, and students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results about all aspects (theory, applications and tools) of computer and information science, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted. The conference is composed of the following special interest topics events:
- 18th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM 2024)
- 16th International Conference on Learning Technologies and Learning Environments (LTLE 2024)
- 16th International Conference on Data Science and Institutional Research (DSIR 2024)
- 15th International Conference on Smart Computing and Artificial Intelligence (SCAI 2024)
- 9th International Conference on Business Management of Technology (BMOT 2024)
- 9th International Conference on Social and Business Information Technologies (SBIT 2024)
- 7th International Conference on Interaction Design and Digital Creation / Computing (IDDC 2024)
- 5th International Conference on Decision Science, Theory and Management (DSTM 2024)
All papers will be peer reviewed and accepted papers will appear in the Conference Proceedings. Also, selected papers are invited to submit extended version to some following post-conference publications.
- International Journal of Smart Computing and Artificial Intelligence (IJSCAI)
- Information Engineering Express – International Journal (IEE)
- International Journal of Service and Knowledge Management (IJSKM)
- International Journal of Institutional Research and Management (IJIRM)
- International Journal of Learning Technologies and Learning Environments (IJLTLE)
CPS publishes the papers in technical & ICT scope (theory, development and application) for CPS publication(*). IIAI Digital Library (IIAI OCPS) publishes papers in education, management, and interdisciplinary research with natural and social science in the scope of the conference, which are not included in CPS publication. Paper assignment to each publication is done by CPS and IIAI.
(*) Content will be submitted to the indexing companies for possible indexing. Indexing services are independent organizations, and CPS cannot guarantee that any particular abstract or index entry will be included in Ei Compendex or any other indexing service.
Conference Format
IIAI AAI is planned to be held on the onsite basis between July 6-12, because we recognize the importance of face-to-face communication by gathering together at the venue. For people who cannot come to the venue due to Covid-19 or other inevitable reasons, however, online presentations will be allowed. All online presentation will be scheduled on the 6th and/or 7th day (11/12-July).
Exhibition & Sponsorship
If you are willing to be a sponsor of the conference, please contact us through the contact form. Each sponsor has booth of sponsor at the conference venue and opportunity to present the product/service of your organization. Several types of sponsorship, such as gold, platinum, and diamond are provided based on sponsor fee.
If you are interested in exhibiting your product or services at the conference venue without being a sponsor of the conference, please contact us through the contact form. Your company/organization name, number of exhibitors, type of exhibition(by poster, signage, etc…), and breakdown of the exhibition information(recruiting, new product, etc.) are needed. Exhibition fee is charged in addition to the conference registration fee.