Agent Based Disaster Evacuation Assistance System
This paper proposes a system that supports people being evacuated effectively from dangerous situations by using multi-agent cooperation. The main feature of this system is that it does not require central servers. The system uses the mobile devices of evacuees (e.g. phones, mobile PCs, tablets) and performs distributed calculations while assessing the locations of evacuees. By using this system, the evacuees are able to know the appropriate evacuation timing. This paper focuses on the formalization of the disaster evacuation problem and how to solve it using the framework of the Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem (DCOP). In order to evaluate this system, an experiment was carried out using multi-agent simulation. The result of the experiment showed that, for the case where the evacuees can receive evacuation guidance from this system, the evacuation completion time for all evacuees (in the case) was about 10% - 30% less than in the case where this system is not used.
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