Relationship between Brain Waves and Examination Achievements

  • Yoshihiro Kokubo University of Hyogo
  • Yoshihiko Shoji University of Hyogo
Keywords: learning, motivation, concentration, brain wave, attention, meditation


The relationship between a student's concentration and performance is examined. We presume that the student’s grades depend on the student’s motivation and concentration. Moreover, when students are concentrating on a lesson, they should be motivated to learn. In order to elucidate student motivation during a lesson, we examine the relationship between the time that concentration is maintained, based on brain waves, and successive exam scores. Students who focused longer earned better grades or showed a significant improvement between the first and second tests. Although brain waves represent the extent of the student's concentration during the exercise, the brain wave also shows the activity of his/her brain. Students who are actively thinking would exhibit different features in brain waves compared to students who were passively listening or just recalling information. In our measurements, the brain waves of students were acquired during usual classes and were compared with the results of the subsequent tests.

Author Biographies

Yoshihiro Kokubo, University of Hyogo
Graduate School of Engineering
Yoshihiko Shoji, University of Hyogo
Laboratory of Advanced Science and Technology for Industry


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