Developing a Human Motion Detector using Bluetooth Beacons and its Applications

  • Kyohei Sugino Nagoya Institute of Technology
  • Yusuke Niwa Nagoya Institute of Technology
  • Shun Shiramatsu Nagoya Institute of Technology
  • Tadachika Ozono Nagoya Institute of Technology
  • Toramatsu Shintani Nagoya Institute of Technology
Keywords: Bluetooth, Device-free Localization, Motion Detector, Remote Elder Care, RSSI


A human motion detector is needed for the device-free localization. Mainly infrared light and ultrasonic waves are considered as human motion detectors, but they have problems. These devices have positioning restriction due to their power supplies and its may irritate monitored people. We developed a motion detector based on the attenuation of Bluetooth signals within the 2.4 GHz band, by focusing on water. Our motion detector solves the key problems by the characteristic of Bluetooth beacons, which have long life without exchange their batteries and Bluetooth signals through any obstacles. We experimented with the attenuation of the Bluetooth signals and applied the motion detector to a remote elder care support system. Then we concluded that Bluetooth can be used for motion detectors. We also discuss our motion detector in comparison with others.


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Technical Papers (Advanced Applied Informatics)