A Local Enterprise to Construct 40 Small Hydropower Plants for Revitalizing Local Community
Japanese energy policy had heavily relied on nuclear energy until the Great East Japan Earthquake and the following Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident (called 3.11). However, after 3.11, the Japanese government was forced to change its energy policy and now the government is putting an emphasis on utilizing renewable energy. Among types of renewable energy, small hydropower generation is winning attention because it provides many advantages: first, it is so-called Chisan-Chisho (produced locally and consumed locally) energy; Second, it does not produce any Greenhouse gas such as CO₂; Third, unlike other types of renewable energy such as solar energy and wind energy, small hydro power plants produce energy constantly; Fourth, there is a lot of potential sites for small hydro power plants in Japan; Fifth, small hydro power plants can be run for a long term. This study selected Kyushu Hatsuden, a new corporation in Kagoshima Prefecture established by local firms and influential people to promote small hydropower generation in the prefecture as a case study. This study conducted a socio-economic analysis using several analytical methods. The results of the series of analyses showed that the small hydropower business of Kyushu Hatsuden has a positive impact on the local community.
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