The CodingHere Platform for Programming Courses

  • Jia-Yin Wang Chung Yuan Christian University
  • Jia-Chi Liang Chung Yuan Christian University
  • Chia-Chi Chang Chung Yuan Christian University
Keywords: learning management system, programming courses, online judge system, online learning platform


We designed an online platform called CodingHere for the introductory C programming course. CodingHere is like an online judgment system with additional course teaching functions, making it a helpful tool for programming courses. It automatically checks the codes submitted by students and provides course management functions for teachers. To help beginners in a programming course, CodingHere provides detailed error messages when a submitted code fails. It returns not only a WA message but also a wrong test case with input, student results, and correct answers. This information is helpful for students in finding errors in their code. In addition, CodingHere provides a code format check function, which helps students write codes with suitable coding styles. We have been using CodingHere for four semesters. More than 140,000 codes submitted by 261 students were collected. We analyzed these codes to find out the common mistakes stu-dents often made as a reference for our teaching improvement. Based on our experience, we think CodingHere is a handy tool in programming courses.


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Technical Papers (Learning Technologies and Learning Environments)