The Effects of Organizational Climate on Organizational Commitment and Perceived Organizational Performance: Vietnam State-owned and Non State-owned Organizations
Organizational climate are aspects of the environment that are consciously perceived and expe-rienced by organizational members on a daily basis. A positive climate promote positive or-ganizational commitment and perceived organizational performance. To test this argument in the context of Vietnam, the present paper is conducted with targets are Vietnam SOEs and Non SOEs. A total of 335 results were collected, including 178 and 157 answers from Non SOEs and SOEs respectively. This paper’s findings confirmed a positive relationship between organiza-tional climate and organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance in both cases. Despite receive favorable treatments from the State, Vietnam SOEs continue to be inef-fective and inefficient. However, from the perspective of SOEs members, they perceive a posi-tive organizational climate as they continue to enjoy the benefits and privileges of being SOEs’ members. As a result, their analyses show stronger impacts of organizational climate on organ-izational commitment and perceived organizational commitment compared to Non SOEs.
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