Bottleneck Simulator for Wide Scope of Supply Chain Networks using Lead Time
With the introduction of the Digital Transformation era, It is now feasible to obtain digital
data on the shop floor of the manufacturing facility and across the whole supply chain (SC)
network for improved management. Bottleneck (BN) detection is the first to achieve more
effective SC management. We identified the SC bottleneck regardless of the production policy differences between push and pull by simulating the accumulated lead time (LT) data on
the SC network map. This study proposed the following methods. First, use a simulator that
imitates the production of the entire SC network by assembling the materials. Second, the
simple Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are the average LT per one part and the standard
deviation of LT on the simulator. Third, identifying the BN from the remaining quantities
of work in processes (WIP) between the nodes in a high-demand situation. Finally, identifying the BN based on the use of nodes by creating the low-demand situation virtually. We
ran this simulator on five different shapes of the SC maps, demonstrating that our simulator
applied each map.
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