Correlation Analysis between Impressions of Soccer School and Moving Speed in Elementary School Children
In sports, the importance of enjoying exercise and interaction with others has been suggested, and it is an important question as to what kind of activities lead to enjoyment. The results of the questionnaire survey of soccer school students indicated that “game-style practice is the most enjoyable,” and that “enjoyment” was related to “lots of running” and “lots of involvement with the ball.” However, it was not clear how much they actually ran. Therefore, in this study, in order to analyze the relationship between the results of the questionnaire survey and actual movement, we analyzed the running style in game-style practice using GPS (Global Positioning System) and examined the correlation with the questionnaire results. The results showed that feeling that they “ran well” did not correlate well with actual distance or speed. On the other hand, moving at low speed are related to having fun and being able to shoot and pass the ball a lot. This result contradicts the survey results, which showed that students who responded that they “enjoyed” also responded that they “ran a lot,” making it clear that the results of the survey cannot be taken for granted.
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