Information Engineering Express
<p align="justify"><strong>Information Engineering Express (IEE)</strong> is a peer-reviewed/refereed international journal that dedicates to that is dedicated to the theory and Information Engineering. IEE strives to cover all aspects of working out new technologies and theories and also mainly publishes technical reports on outstanding inventions, innovation, and finding that have influential importance to Information Engineering Research.</p>International Institute of Applied Informaticsen-USInformation Engineering Express2185-9884Summarization of the Methodology of Applying N-gram to Obtain Factor Scores of Q&A Statements
<p>With a view to solving the troubles of mismatches between the questioners and respondents of Question and Answer (Q&A) sites, an impression evaluation experiment resulted in obtaining nine factors of impressions for Q&A statements. Factor scores were then estimated through multiple regression analysis utilizing feature values of statements. The factor scores obtained and estimated were subsequently employed for finding appropriate respondents who would be likely to answer a posted question. However, this methodology so far has substantially depended on the syntactic information extracted through morphological analysis. In addition, this method has a significant drawback of demanding manifold variables and complex multiple regression equations to estimate factor scores. Thus, another course has been taken by applying N-gram instead of morphological analysis. So far, the analyses of 2-gram through 5-gram have shown good estimation accuracy. In order to strengthen these tendencies, in this paper, 6-gram is applied to the feature values. Further analysis has shown that 6-gram would also be applicable to the method. In terms of estimation accuracy, N-grams also outscore morphological analysis; above all 2-gram and 3-gram show the best accuracy. Hence, it could be suggested that N-gram should play a more important role in estimating factor scores than mere morphological analysis.</p>Yuya Yokoyama
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