Proposal of Methods to Mitigate the Stagnation of Discussions to Promote Collaboration

Focusing on the Dynamics of Social Position of Commu-nity Members

  • Hideki Kondo Kanda University of International Studies
  • Sayaka Tohyama Shizuoka University
  • Ayano Ohsaki Musashino University
  • Masayuki Yamada Kyushu Institute of Technology
Keywords: stagnation of discussion, knowledge creation, group awareness, SNS


Communication on Social Networking Services (SNS) provides limited information about the status of a colleague or a community. If SNS appears deserted, it is challenging to find appropriate members to talk to, especially for novice members. In this study, we propose a method to mitigate post retention, as a feature to facilitate participation in conversations, for people who have little information about their community and peers on SNS from a Group Awareness (GA) perspective. This will mitigates novice members’ anxiety about posting to SNS. To verify the proposed method, we implemented an experimental system that artificially shifts the timing of the appearance of posted articles. The experimental system was applied to approximately a year’s worth of past articles from a community, reducing intervals of more than five days between two posts, to three days. These results suggested that this system may reduce stagnation of postings in a community active on a one-week cycle. Regulating the timing of posting articles on SNS may mitigate the stagnation of discussions within a community, and encourage members post actively. However, the experiment on past articles was conducted in vitro, and it remains to be seen how actual community activities can be improved.


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