Computerized Model of Assessment Procedures of Students’ Reading Capabilities Based on Abridgement Method Employing Two-Pointer Problem Solution and Dynamic Programming
There is an augmenting level of requirement for competent reading capabilities at various academic and societal settings today, which indicates a high demand for the school education system to employ the refined methodology to cultivate students’ reading skills and assess them on a quantitative and objective basis. In a conventional fashion, summarization has been a norm amongst a multitude of educational approaches available, while that entailed a couple of drawbacks from the perspective of educators, such as the labor-intensive and time-consuming marking procedures, difficulty in establishing a standardized and less marker-dependent model answer, and challenges in marking them in a fair manner. To confront these issues, a new approach called abridgement has been recently proposed by researchers, allowing for simplification of the conventional procedures time-wise and operation-wise. Notwithstanding these revolutionary features, the manual marking process in abridgement is still daunting enough for the educators to make them spend several days on it. This research, therefore, focused on the automation of the whole procedures of marking of abridged texts of students in a computerized fashion, employing two possible approaches; two-pointer problem solution algorithm and dynamic programming.
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