International Journal of Learning Technologies and Learning Environments 2024-06-08T01:50:51+00:00 Tokuro Matsuo Open Journal Systems <p><strong>International Journal of Learning Technologies and Environments&nbsp;(IJLTLE)</strong>&nbsp;is a peer-reviewed/refereed international journal that is dedicated to the theory and practice in learning technologies and environments. IJLTLE strives to cover all aspects of working out new technologies and theories, and also case study for e-larning, learning analitics, learning environments, education support systems, TELL, TESL, TFTA, and multidisciplinary topics on learning technologies and environments.</p> Development of a Proposed Human Resource Promotional Tool to Visualize Skills Acquired by Recently Appointed Nurses at Home-Visit Nursing Stations in Japan 2024-06-08T01:50:51+00:00 Sachiko Somaki Yukie Majima Seiko Masuda Yumiko Nakamura <p>Presently, Japan’s aging rate is among the highest in the world. Consequently, home-visit nursing stations (“stations”), where nurses provide medical and nursing care under the direction of family physicians, are increasing rapidly. However, many newcomer nurses do not remain at these stations for long; most have some hospital clinical experience at hospitals but, having been appointed only recently, are new to the work performed at these stations. Having some clinical experience, they are regarded as ready-to-work nurses for whom additional education is unnecessary. However, most newcomer nurses at these stations experience difficulties in executing their duties. Moreover, most educational programs for graduated nurses focus on developing clinical nursing skills. Therefore, an education program that maximizes their clinical experiences in homecare nursing settings is needed. Using spreadsheet software (Excel®; Microsoft Corp.), we developed a proposed educational tool (“tool”) for learners and educators and compiled a list of skills necessary for all newcomer nurses according to the training programs published in Japan. The learning method—based on educational theory and instructional design—is designed to help the nurses visualize their acquired skills and promote the self-efficacy of stations’ recently appointed nurses, and, thereby, promote greater workplace retention.</p> 2024-06-08T01:48:55+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Learning Technologies and Learning Environments