Human Brain Judgment and Automated Classification of Masked Facial Expressions

  • Koji Kashihara Ritsumeikan University
  • Mizuki Shinguu Ritsumeikan University
Keywords: facial expressions, face masks, brain activity, classifiers


We investigated brain activity in response to facial expressions wearing masks. N170 responses at the T5 and T6 sites were synchronized with the vertex positive potential (VPP) response at the Cz site. The N170 responses were increased under masked face conditions, which may be associated with amodal completion. We then tested the facial emotion recognizer (FER) as a general classifier and the specifically created classifiers based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for predicting masked facial expressions. Although the accuracies in the FER were greatly lower for Japanese faces with masks than without masks, the specific CNN classifier improved the accuracies under the masked conditions.


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