An Analysis of Global Intellectual Property Strategy: Organizational Learning Approach and its Practices for Education

  • Yawen Huang Hokusei Gakuen University
  • Akinori Minazuki Kushiro Public University
  • Hidehiko Hayashi Hokusei Gakuen University
Keywords: EMS companies, Globalization, Innovation, Paten, Knowledge Flow


This study considers the required capacity and education for the students who majoring in management information through describing the patent analysis of the company and the idea creation and prototypic implementation at classroom practice. This patent analysis of the company is a single case study of Hon Hai Precision which has received much attention in recent years. During the classroom practices, we put the idea creation called Idea Sketching into practice. Moreover, we practice prototypic implementation at the seminar which focusing on the knowledge based in the industrial technologies. In the light of the intellectual property strategies and the trend of information technology, we consider above and refer to the education which applied the practice of Exploration and Exploitation of knowledge to classroom. We insist that bringing up the person with talent on innovation is important for our country’s education system and then suggest the required capacity and education for the students who majoring in management information. Moreover, we discovered the new direction to connect the knowledge in practice and college education, and found out the useful insights for both industrial and educational world through the light of the intellectual property strategies in companies.


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