Social Impact Simulation Including Social Capital, Based on Current Status of Multi-Agent Simulation

  • Tomoichi Ebata Hitachi, Ltd.
  • Ryo Ariyoshi Nagoya University
  • Shinji Tanaka Yokohama National University
Keywords: Multi-Agent Simulation (MAS), Social Capital (SC), Social Impact Bond (SIB), Social Impact Simulation (SIS), Subjective Well-Being (SWB)


In recent years, there has been growing interest in social impact bonds (SIB), one of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investments. However, the motivation for SIB investments has not been so high because the purposes of SIBs are difficult to evaluate. In particular, social capital (SC), one of the factors for SIB evaluation, is trust and a network of human relationships. Still, it is an invisible resource and is not easy to calculate. This paper proposes a "social impact simulation (SIS)" that makes SC visible and enables quantitative evaluation of SIBs. We survey the trends and status of multi-agent simulations over the past 30 years, examine the implementation of new agent modeling and behavior required for SIS, and discuss methods that enable the analysis and prediction of complex social impacts. In addition, we introduce the social impact simulator for a case and report on how to make the simulator effective for social impact visualization.


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