The Influence of Linguistic Attribute Differences in Multilingual Datasets on Sarcasm Detection

  • Linshuo Yang Kyushu University
  • Daisuke Ikeda Kyushu University
Keywords: machine learning, morphological typology, Multilingual BERT, multilingual sarcasm detection


Presently, social media is crucial for sentiment analysis tasks with machine learning. However, the presence of sarcasm presents a challenge to this task by concealing the true intent of a text. Consequently, there has been a surge in research on automatic sarcasm detection. Furthermore, studying with sarcasm detection with multilingual datasets is becoming indispensable, because it can sovle data scarcity problem for low-resource languages and can also reduce the cost of training models for different languages. Past research has largely overlooked the influence of language diversity within training datasets on model performance. This study assumes that linguistic differences may influence sarcastic expressions and employs two datasets: English- Arabic dataset, which belongs to the same category of morphological typology, and English-Chinese dataset which belongs to different categories. Subsequently, models were trained with BERT, BERT-BiLSTM, and BERT-RCNN architectures. Finally, results were compared using two English test datasets with different patterns. The outcomes revealed superior training results for English-Arabic in contrast to English-Chinese, signifying the influence of morphological typology. In addition, BiLSTM and RCNN architectures can enhance the performance of multilingual sarcasm detection models. And the RCNN structure appears to be beneficial for detecting sarcasm in different patterns.


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Technical Papers