Modeling Historical Landscape and Architectures Utilizing Open Data for Enhanced Sightseeing Experience

  • Nao Okada The University of Aizu
  • Keita Okazaki The University of Aizu
  • Evgeny Pyshkin The University of Aizu
  • Yohei Nishidate The University of Aizu
Keywords: Virtual tour, Historical digital twins, Open data, Virtual cityscapes


In this paper, we explore an application of digital twin technologies to the field of digital heritage preservation, focusing on the historical city of Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan.
Leveraging open data and freely available software, we considered a methodology for the digital reconstruction of historical landscapes and architectural features, employing historical GIS data, 3D modeling, and virtual reality techniques. We applied our methodology to constructing a virtual representation of Aizu-Wakamatsu in the past time, with a specific attention to Tsuriga-jo, the latter being a famous castle in the North-Eastern Japan. These reconstructions enhance the cultural and educational experience of visitors, but also contribute to the broader goals of heritage conservation. We discuss the potential of virtual tours to offer enriched, immersive, and interactive narratives of the past. Our study underscores the importance of preserving cultural heritage through digital technology and demonstrates the potential of digital twins in understanding and experiencing historical landscapes. The methodology and findings of this paper contribute to the emerging field of digital humanities and offer a scalable framework for future research in digital heritage preservation and virtual tourism.


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Practical Papers