Migrant Entrepreneurs and Regional Revitalization: A Qualitative Case Study
In Japan, the number of people involved in community activities is decreasing due to population outflow; thus, the survival of some communities is in jeopardy. Although various local governments, residents, and businesses are attempting to ensure communities’ survival, some limitations remain. However, the changes in lifestyles and values resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic have reduced the psychological hurdles for people to migrate to rural areas. Under these circumstances, migrants who arrive in rural regions and start businesses have an economic impact on their destination, increasing the value of the region. To identify these agents, in this paper, I propose the concept of “migrant entrepreneurs,” which has diverse meanings depending on these individuals’ relationship with the local community and the form of their entrepreneurship. Taking the town of Higashikawa, in the prefecture of Hokkaido, as a study case, I clarify the characteristics of migrant entrepreneurs, who comprise a new entity responsible for regional revitalization.
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