Factor Analysis of Entrepreneurship for Entrepreneurial Value Creation


  • Katsuki Yasuoka Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology, Behavioural Science Lab.
  • Takaaki Hosoda
  • Kiyomi Miyoshi
  • Tokuro Matsuo




Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur spirits, Entrepreneur competency


This paper analyzes the entrepreneur spirit in Japan and globally based on the results of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2019 / 2020 GLOBAL REPORT (GEM Report). We identified three factors that reveal Japanese attitudes towards entrepreneurship.

The study aims to provide a detailed understanding of the components of entrepreneurship based on its findings. According to the GEM Report, Japan ranks 47th out of fifty countries in terms of the Total early-stage Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) ranking. It is necessary to clarify the attitudes of Japanese people towards entrepreneurship before implementing any necessary measures. Therefore, any countermeasure and actions will be more effective and productive.

We performed factor analysis on the responses to the 17 specific questions using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), Promax rotation, and t-tests.

The results of factor analysis showed that Japanese people are not optimistic and lack confidence in themselves, but they are shrewd.

Please note, due to low questionnaire data reliability, further investigation is needed to address issues and enhance reliability.


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