Citizen Perceptions of Intention to Live in a Smart Cities Based on its Characteristics


  • Kenichi Shibuya Keio university
  • Hideo Suzuki Keio university



'smart city' 'quality of life' 'service' 'perceived usefulness' 'SEM'


In smart city, the challenge is to bridge business-centric and citizen-centric views by engaging citizens and business stakeholders. This paper is to identify the intention of living in a smart city as from its characteristics in the individual perception by citizens based on the proposal model. The empirical research carried out herein was based on a survey, consisting of a sample of 812 valid questionnaires. A quantitative survey approach was applied and results were analyzed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). In addition, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was employed for examining the relationships between various constructs in the proposed conceptual model. From the structural model, couple of hypotheses were supported, and this research discusses the relationship between perceived usefulness and citizen’s intention to live in a smart city.


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