Influence Sources of Wearable Healthcare Devices Adoption and Diffusion


  • Yinghsuan Chao National Cheng Kung University
  • LiChieh Kuo National Cheng Kung University
  • HERSEN DOONG National Chiayi University



The rising need for efficient health monitoring systems presents a significant challenge, empha-sizing the importance of enhancing personal health management and reducing healthcare system burdens. To address this and achieve health optimization and preventive care goals, governments and healthcare providers have actively promoted the development of Wearable Healthcare De-vices (WHDs), a cornerstone for implementing advanced health monitoring technologies. These devices are celebrated for their potential to improve health outcomes, personalize healthcare, and reduce healthcare costs. However, the anticipated success of these technological advancements has not been fully realized, evidenced by their limited adoption and diffusion among the general population.
In response to this issue, our research utilizes the Innovation Diffusion Theory to explore the influential internal and external factors related to the communication strategies of wearable healthcare devices, including the roles of mass media and word-of-mouth interpersonal commu-nication. Employing a case study approach focused on WHD adoption, this study applies an an-alytical framework comprising the internal influence and external influence. This framework is utilized to elucidate the determinants of WHD adoption and diffusion across various stages. The findings of this research aim to provide the government, healthcare providers, and relevant stake-holders with critical insights for crafting more effective promotional strategies for wearable healthcare devices, thereby ensuring a more efficient, personalized, and sustainable healthcare service delivery.


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