Value Design Method for Digital Innovation
Value Proposition Canvas, Digital Innovation Design, Digital Transformation (DX)Abstract
With the evolution of digital technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (Artificial Intelligence), opportunities for digital innovation are expanding for all companies, including small and medium-sized enterprises and non-IT companies. However, while many companies can engage in “defensive digital transformation (DX)” by using digital technologies to improve their daily operations, achieving “offensive DX” to create new value in products and services through digital technologies is not easy. We have been developing the “Digital Innovation Design Method” to support offensive DX. This paper presents a new method to further concretize the “value design” of Digital Innovation Design Method. Specifically, while the original value design used the Value Proposition Canvas, the Value Proposition Canvas is generic and difficult for companies unfamiliar with digital technologies to utilize for offensive DX. The method proposed in this paper supports value design considering the characteristics of digital innovation utilizing “Value Graph” and “Digital Value Patterns” in addition to “Value Proposition Canvas” and evaluates its effectiveness through a descriptive experiment with 32 participants.
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