An Analysis of the Bangladesh Patent Act 2022: A Step Forward from an LDC to a Developing Country


  • yaeko mitsumori osaka University



Bangladesh is categorized as a Least Developed Country (LDC). It has a thriving pharmaceutical industry, which is unusual for an LDC. Because of its LDC status, Bangladesh has been enjoying several preferential treatments. For instance, according to the current Council’s decision, the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), the most comprehensive multilateral agreement on intellectual property (IP), provides an extended transition period for LDCs until 2034. TRIPS also offers a special exemption for introducing an IPR system compatible with TRIPS in LDCs.

Currently, Bangladesh faces new challenges. The country will graduate from LDC status in 2026, partly due to the country’s robust pharmaceutical industry. Once Bangladesh graduates from LDC status and becomes a developing country, it will no longer be eligible for these preferential treatments. The country will be required to introduce a patent law compatible with TRIPS. Bangladesh has been preparing diligently to become a developing country, and as part of that effort, it revised and enacted a new patent law, Patent Law 2022, in April 2022. This article examines the impacts of Bangladesh’s graduation from LDC, as well as Bangladesh's future prospects after graduation.


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