Proposal for a Method of Deriving Performance Indicators Towards Alignment with External Factors to Organization


  • Kasei Miura Keio University
  • Seiko Shirasaka



performance measurement, performance indicator, strategy, external environment


Organizations formulate and implement strategies and evaluate their performance based on an analysis of their internal and external environment in order to solve problems and achieve their objectives. The promotion of globalisation and the development of information technology have made the external environment more influential on organizational performance. Organizations are therefore engaged in dynamic management of their strategies to respond to the impact of the external environment. However, performance indicators cannot be aligned with changes in the external environment and strategy, making timely assessment difficult. This study aims to support the design of performance indicators for the timely assessment of organizational performance. A methodology was designed to derive performance indicators that consider the impact of interventions from the external environment in addition to internal strategic interventions. The designed performance indicator derivation method was applied to a medium-sized organization to evaluate the effect of the added external factors perspective. As a result, performance indicators were derived to assess the impact of external factors on the organization, in addition to performance indicators to assess the effectiveness of strategic initiatives.It was also suggested that the process of deriving performance indicators facilitates direct reflection on risks related to the achievement of the organization's objectives, which were traditionally reflected via strategies.


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