A Moodle-Based E-Syllabus with Database Activity Module

  • Yoshikazu Asada Jichi Medical University http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8032-1100
  • Hitoaki Okazaki Jichi Medical University
  • Naohiro Sata Jichi Medical University
  • Hiroshi Kawahira Jichi Medical University
  • Shinichi Yamamoto Jichi Medical University
  • Yasushi Matsuyama Jichi Medical University
Keywords: E-syllabus, Competencies, Curriculum Mapping, Medical Education, Model Core Curriculum, Moodle


Institutional research is an essential topic in the medical education field. To achieve global standards, curriculum mapping and competency assessments based on the model core curriculum (MCC) and diploma policies (DP) must be discussed. This study investigated initial practices using a Moodle-based e-syllabus to gather and analyze curriculum information. Although several classes had some MCC elements, the results showed that others had no such connections. Since the Japanese MCC is defined as “a common, national, systematically organized curriculum taught in each medical faculty/university,” it is crucial that each MCC element be fulfilled throughout the entire curriculum. Although the Moodle-based e-syllabus needs to be improved in some ways, especially in ease of use, the data integration and analytics aspects were better than those of the previous Excel-based syllabus.


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Practical Papers