Rotation Weight Update:
Another Way Different from Dropout to Introduce Lazy Neurons in Image Recognition Tasks
Numerous approaches have been developed to enhance the capabilities of deep learning in image recognition. We propose a method called ”Rotational-update,” which cyclically updates the weight of neurons. This approach segments the neurons in a fully connected layer into groups of equal size, each containing √N neurons, with N representing the total neuron count in the layer. It selectively updates the weights of one group at a time per mini-batch. This selective updating mechanism aims to curb excessive learning, potentially reducing overfitting and enhancing validation accuracy. A notable aspect of this method is its compatibility for concurrent use with other techniques, including batch-normalization and dropout.
We used the CIFAR10 dataset for image recognition tasks to validate the method’s efficacy, employing three neural network architectures: VGG-16, ResNet-110, and ResNet-152. Our findings indicate that integrating our proposed method with batch normalization outperforms the accuracy of the combination of dropout and batch normalization. Specifically, the proposed Rotational-update method achieved an accuracy improvement of up to 5 percentage points in VGG-16 and one percentage point in ResNet-110 compared to traditional methods. Thus, we deduce that substituting dropout with our proposed method enhances image recognition task performance and reduces overfitting.
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