Question Generation for English Reading Comprehension Exercises using Transformers


  • Alexander Maas Tohoku University
  • Kazunori D Yamada Tohoku University
  • Toru Nagahama Tohoku University
  • Taku Kawada Tohoku University
  • Tatsuya Horita Tohoku University



Artificial Intelligence, English Language Education, Natural Language Processing, Reading Comprehension Exercises


In secondary language education, one tool used by teachers to test students' language ability is reading comprehension. The construction of these problems can take a lot of time as the text needs to contain only the vocabulary and grammar the students know, and the questions also need to test the reasoning skills the teachers want to evaluate. To allow educators to use reading comprehension exercises more frequently, this research aims to alleviate the time constraint of creating these questions by training a controllable transformer-based natural language processing model to create questions of varying types and about a passage of text as specified by the user. After fine-tuning, the questions generated using the new controls either suffered from overfitting or from a lack of diversity between them, however the output of an existing question generation control was altered and became capable of generating questions suitable for use in reading comprehension. To improve the output of the new controls, more data could be used in the training, or an alternative training scheme would need to be utilized.


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