Design and Development of Student Attendance and Academic Consultation Information System in Bussiness Ad-ministration Department of Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin


  • Ramadhani Noor Pratama Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
  • Abdul Rozaq Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
  • Evi Lestari Pratiwi Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
  • Effan Najwaini Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
  • Inayatul Ulya Ahyati Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin



student attendant, academic consultation, information system, academic, web


The role of academic information systems is of utmost importance in the education sector, specifically in managing both academic and non-academic data and activities. The integration of information technology has become an essential requirement in developing valuable information systems to meet the academic service needs within a university campus. The provision of prompt and transparent services is vital for establishing a reputable institution with high value. However, many campuses still rely on traditional methods and have yet to fully harness the potential of technology as a source of information to enhance student services. By leveraging technology, students can conveniently access attendance records, receive academic consultation, and express their concerns without being constrained by time and location. To address the challenges faced by academic departments in handling a significant volume of student complaints, a reliable, user-friendly, and transparent information system is necessary. Web-based academic services serve as one feasible option for streamlining the management and resolution of student issues on campus, accessible through mobile devices and computers with internet connectivity. A web-based academic information system will be designed to cater encompassing academic services, administration, and suggestions. Through the implementation of such a system, it is anticipated that academic services on campus will become more effective, efficient, and transparent.


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