Where are Dropouters ?


  • Hiroshi Konashi Otemae University
  • Kenji Kume Department of Physics Nara Women’s University
  • Katsuichi Higuchi Koshien University




Class comprehension, Math tests for Physics, Popularity curve


A method is devised and tested to predict which students will remain at a low level of comprehension based on information obtained from a mathexam at the beginning of a semester-long class at the university. It is achieved by assigning questions of a level of difficulty appropriate to the objectives of the class and to the level of the students


H. Konashi, 2004, “A Naive Application of a Distribution Equation”, Journal of U.M.D.S. Humanities,Arts & Sciences 17.1: pp.1-12.

ANIRA, 2009, https : //www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8628149

PIKOTARO, 2016, PPAP(Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen Offi-cial),https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v = 0E00Zuayv9Q

K. Higuchi,H. Konashi, and K. Kume(2022) , “Relationship between Progress of Class Implementation and Student Attendance rete from the Case of Three Subjects”, Journal of Koshien Junior College,vol.40,pp.11-18.

See for example Masayuki KANETA, Hideo NITTA (2009),”Practice of Peer Instruction by Use of Clickers”, Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan 57-2, pp.103-107.

T. Muramatsu, A. Sugiura, A. Yonemura (2012), ”Effect Verification of Concentration Measurement System that Uses Face Information”, The 74th National Convention of IPSJ 4-45-47.

H. Konashi, K. Kume (2021) “3DCG and AR can help teach mechanics”, Physics Ed-ucation in University Vol. 27,No.2 pp.114-117.

K. Kume, H. Konashi, K. Higuchi,” Frequency-Weighted Singular Spectrum Analysis for Time Series “, Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis, to be published.


