Algorithm Analysis of Association Rule Apriori to Determine the Prediction of Sasirangan Production Based on the Patterns of Sales Transactions


  • Heru Kartika Candra Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
  • Muhammad Bahit Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
  • Rahma Pitria Ningsih Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
  • Dwi Mulyani STMIK Banjarbaru



Apriori Algorithm Rule Association, Sales Transaction, Sasirangan Production


The Sasirangan production house in Banjarmasin is one of the manufacturers of several cloth and convection of Sasirangan products. Based on a marketing perspective, the Sasirangan production house had difficulty in determining the number of products to be produced based on the type of cloth, color, and pattern of the Sasirangan cloth. This is very crucial in controlling the production of sasirangan, namely how much sasirangan production must be made with the type of cloth, color and pattern of sasirangan cloth and sold according to the interests of the majority of con-sumers. In business man-agement, namely in controlling sasirangan marketing, the administra-tive performers would like to have a clear understanding of the circulation of products sold ac-cording to the categories of shapes, types of fabrics, patterns, and colors that consumers prefer in terms of sales transactions. In a trading transaction, there must be a record, especially if the transaction is a massive transaction, a database is definitely needed to store the record, so that it can be used as information. The stored information must contain a hidden value that can be used as additional information where the information was not previously known. Data mining is a set of techniques that are used automatically to thoroughly explore and bring to the surface complex relations on very large data sets. The process of deciphering the discovery of knowledge in a database (in this case the data on sales transactions that occur at home) production of Sasirangan Banjarmasin) as is done in terms of seeing the relationship of the sales process of each transaction item variable above, is a concept called data mining. Data mining Algorithm Association Rule Apriori can both assist in grouping and classifying the sales process by providing a relationship between sales data made by customers so that customer purchasing patterns will be obtained as a form of more dominant consumer interest, allowing the Banjar-masin sasirangan production house to determine predictions of Sasirangan fabric production according to patterns consumer interest. The Banjarmasin sasirangan pro-duction house is expected to be able to determine pre-dictions of Sasirangan fabric production according to consumer demand patterns, as a form of marketing strategy that can be implemented by considering the production materials that must be prepared. In order to reduce production costs and maximize profits.


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