A case study of mathematics educations using WeBWorK in Hokkaido University


  • Daichi Komori Hokkaido University
  • Shun'ichi Honda Chitose institute of science and technology
  • Keisuke Yoshida Hokkaido University
  • Takao Namiki Hokkaido University
  • Toru Ohmoto Hokkaido University




In this paper, we provide academic institutions with knowledge on ICT education for mathematics education, particularly the utilization of WeBWorK through the case study in Hokkaido University. WeBWorK is an open-source online homework system for mathematics and sciences courses. To promote ICT education for mathematics education in Hokkaido University, we began to use WeBWorK in 2017.We prepared more than 800 problems in line with the educational curriculum in Hokkaido University, and a total of more than 4,500 students were using WeBWorK in FY2021.We surveyed them about their work time, the difficulty of the problems and so on, and received 513 responses. Analyzing the results of the surveys we find that WeBWorK plays a role in improving the mathematical computational skills. On the other hand, it does not help users develop English skills, and in fact seems to be a factor that makes them reluctant to work on WeBWorK. Based on the these results we have created the Japanese version of original problems we have already created.


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