Detecting Outliers from Quiz Response Times and Scores by Classifying Weekly Learning Patterns in a Blended Learning Course


  • Konomu Dobashi Aichi University
  • Curtis P Ho University of Hawai′i at Mānoa
  • Catherine P Fulford University of Hawai′i at Mānoa
  • Christina Higa University of Hawai′i at Mānoa
  • Kris Hara University of Hawai′i at Mānoa



classification, learning analytics, learning log, learning management system, outlier


Learning management systems are now widely used in many classes, and learning logs are accu-mulated daily, making it increasingly important to mine knowledge and data for learning analyt-ics. In this study, a new experimental class was conducted to collect and analyze Moodle learning logs in a blended learning course in which 57 university students had pre-enrolled.Weekly learn-ing analytics were conducted focusing on quiz answer times and scores. Furthermore, the clus-tering heatmaps were generated to visualize the transition of learning status. Outliers were iden-tified using the interquartile range, 3σ method, and Mahalanobis’ generalized distance. The ex-perimental results observed that there were weeks when outlier learners appeared, whereas in other weeks, they did not.Although the majority of learners did not fall under the outlier category, it became clear that some learners were identified as outliermultiple times. Learners who repeat-edly fall into the outlier category are at risk of encountering challenges in their learning, so early academic intervention is desirable. Clustering heatmaps and outlier visualizations, which depict learning status, are influenced by attendees' learning motivation and prerequisite knowledge, re-sulting in varying outcomes across different classes. By performing outlier detection according to this paper every week, teachers can easily discover learners who are having trouble learning.


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