Virtual Drum System Development using Motion Detection


  • Soonmin Hong Tokushima University
  • Karungaru Stephen Tokushima University
  • Terada Kenji Tokushima University



Deep Learning, Motion Recognition, Virtual Drumming, Real-time Tracking


This paper proposes an innovative approach to overcome the spatial, cost, and mobility constraints of traditional drum playing. By combining the latest deep learning technolo- gies, YOLOv8 and the Pose Landmark model, we have developed a virtual drum system that precisely tracks the user’s movements in real-time, allowing drumming anywhere. This technology significantly enhances musical creativity and accessibility by providing an ex- perience similar to actual drumming without requiring expensive drum equipment. Further- more, this system minimizes geographical and economic constraints in music education and practice, offering educators and learners a flexible and effective way to learn music. This study explores the technical details of the virtual drum system and its potential impact on music education and performance, making a significant contribution to the future of digital music performance tools.


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