Construction of Comprehensive Student Support Using Metaverse Platforms in a Distance Learning University


  • KEISUKE MISONO Tokyo Online University
  • Kazuya Murata Kagoshima Woman’s College



Metaverse, third place, learning commons, Student Counseling Room, Student Support


In recent years, correspondence education has become more common, and the number of educa-tional institutions incorporating correspondence courses has increased enormously. As distance learning universities offer online classes via videos and other media, students do not need to commute to the campus and can engage in learning at any time of their choice. Therefore, these universities have students of a wide range of ages, including not only high school students, but also working adults and the older people. However, as these universities do not have campuses like the in-person learning universities, they have not established an environment to support stu-dents. Hence, student support is lacking, and many students are unable to keep up with their classes and choose to take a leave of absence or withdraw from school. Therefore, this study aims to construct an environment that enables comprehensive learning support not originally existing in distance learning. It specifically proposes and examines the construction of a comprehensive learning support environment for distance learning universities by building learning commons, a third place where students can casually interact with each other, and a student counseling room in the virtual space of the metaverse.


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