Quantitative Evaluation of Perceived Acceptability of Accentual Patterns in Four-Mora Japanese Words Based on Lexical Attributes

for Implementation into CALL System for Japanese Language Learners


  • Ikuyo Masuda-Katsuse Kindai University
  • Ayako shirose Tokyo Gakugei University




acceptability distribution, CALL system, lexical properties, pitch accent


We generated four-mora Japanese word utterances with various pitch accent features and mapped the perceived pitch accent acceptability of native Japanese speakers onto a distribution of pitch accent features. The results confirmed that even for words classified as having the same accent type, the acceptability distribution differed depending on the word types. These results demonstrate the diversity of pitch accent perception and provide quantitative support from the perspective of auditory perception for knowledge about accent rules reported in linguistics. We also discussed the potential application of these results to CALL systems for Japanese language learners.


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