Digital Knowledge Twin: Bridging the Gap Between Physical and Cyber Knowledge Spaces by Generative AI


  • NAOSHI UCHIHIRA Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Koki Ijuin Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Takuichi Nishimura Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology



Digital Knowledge Twin, Gen-Ba Knowledge Management, Generative AI


The extraction, sharing, and utilization of explicit, latent, and tacit field knowledge (called “Gen-Ba knowledge”) possessed by skilled workers in fields such as healthcare, caregiving, agriculture, maintenance and inspection, and manufacturing, have long been recognized as important yet challenging tasks. Organizations and companies capable of achieving this through human systems hold a competitive advantage. With the advent of generative AI, explicit knowledge that can be codified (documented) has become dramatically more accessible. However, the challenge remains in how to efficiently and effectively handle the latent and tacit Gen-Ba knowledge possessed by humans, which AI cannot directly process. This study proposes a “Digital Knowledge Twin”, which facilitates externalization, combination, and internalization of Gen-Ba knowledge for bridging the gap between physical and cyber spaces. In the externalization phase, Gen-Ba knowledge is accumulated in the physical space as fragments of knowledge, integrating human voice messages, photos, and physical sensor data. Then, these Gen-Ba knowledge fragments are linked with structure of operations in the cyber space in a combination phase. Finally, Gen-Ba knowledge is collaboratively internalized in the physical space through workshops, where internalization means sensemaking and symbol grounding among humans. This paper presents the necessary technologies and system architecture required for the implementation of the “Digital Knowledge Twin.” Gen-Ba knowledge management using generative AI is a challenging issue, and the theoretical contribution of this study is that it provides one promising research direction of future knowledge management.


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