A Real-time Engagement Assessment for Learner in Asynchronous Distance Learning


  • Shofiyati Nur Karimah Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
  • Shinobu Hasegawa




Early notice of a learner’s disengagement during learning is an essential signal for an educator to either change the pedagogy or give personal support. Hence, assessing learner’s engagement is important to avoid dropout. However, assessing learner’s engagement in distance learning is a challenge due to the learner-educator interaction limit. To address the challenge, in this paper we proposed a real-time automatic engagement estimation system to assess learner’s engagement from facial landmarks and body pose during his/her learning activity in asynchronous distance learning, where there is no direct interaction between learner and educator. A web-based application has been developed as an early stage implementation in a real education setting. The prototype has been successfully recognizing learner’s engagement in three-level: Very Engaged, Normal Engaged, and Not Engaged.


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