Proposal for Management Method for Industry–Academia Collaborative Research using PoC Framework


  • Takayuki Sako Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Naoshi Uchihira



collaborative research, commercialization, proof-of-concept, technology transfer


To generate innovation from research results generated by universities and public research institutions, the research results should be transferred to companies. However, given that research results from universities and public research institutions are not initially intended for commercialization, additional research, and development are required to commercialize them. In addition, every organization has different objectives and characteristics, and re-search results are highly sticky information, making technology transfer difficult. Therefore, rather than simply providing information, technology transfer may be conducted through collaboration, such as collaborative research. Existing studies have proposed a framework for analyzing collaborative research between industry and academia from a proof-of-concept perspective and have analyzed the success factors. This present study proposes a method of using this framework (PoC framework) for the management of collaborative research be-tween industry and academia for the purpose of commercialization. The proposed method can fill the knowledge gaps between industry and academia. The study found that a com-bination of the PoC framework and other frameworks (i.e. Value Proposition Canvas) is effective in the management method.


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