Requirements of Incentive Design for Promoting Data Utilization: Case Study of GAIA-X


  • Jun Oya JAIST
  • Naoshi Uchihira JAIST



GAIA-X, Data Utilization, Patent Right, OSS, Incentive Design


This paper provides a case study of GAIA-X to clarify requirements of incentive design for promoting data utilization. In recent years, there are growing expectations for the creation of new values by analyzing large amounts of data accumulated in cyberspace using artificial intelligence (AI). GAIA-X, where Europe aims to build a data ecosystem, has advantageous and unprecedented rules and new systems for the data owner, which sets data sovereignty, assigns ID to data, and monitors the data usage based on Self-Description as defined by the data owner. However, it is unclear whether these rules and systems are sufficient conditions for promoting data utilization. Therefore, this study sorted out common and different points between the data that will be protected and utilized by GAIA-X and the patent right that is one of the intellectual properties and has been utilized from an earlier stage. Next, promoting data utilization by GAIA-X was analyzed focusing on the transaction cost theory promoted by Williamson, Maslow’s needs theory, and the acceleration mechanism of Open Source Software (OSS) development. As a result, it was suggested that the requirements of incentive design for promoting data utilization are to organize the altruistic environment, sharing and feedback mechanism.


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