Unsupervised Detection of Domain Switching in Thai Multidisciplinary Online News


  • Chotanansub Sophaken King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
  • Kantapong Vongpanich
  • Akkharawoot Takhom
  • Prachya Boonkwan
  • Thepchai Supnithi




Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Network Text Analysis, Natural language processing, Multidisciplinary Knowledge.


Electronic news has become a popular method of keeping up with digital information, where news tracking is more accessible and reaches a broader variety of audiences. However, ambiguous contexts can be an obstacle to news consumption, causing online disputes, cyberbullying, and political radicalization. This paper demonstrates a network text analysis with a generative statistical model called Latent Dirichlet allocation to extract terminologies and generate a co-occurrence network across multidisciplinary knowledge. The network points out that each terminology corresponds to different domains which are to recognize interpretations of news readers.


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