IIAI Conference Publications
- Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Applied Informatics (ISAI 2011)
- Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Applied Informatics (ISAI 2012)
- Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2012)
- published by IEEE CPS and indexed by EI
- Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2013)
- published by IEEE CPS and indexed by EI
- Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies (AIT 2013)
- Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2014)
- Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2015)
- Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2016)
- Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2017)
- Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Applied Computer and Communication Technologies (COMCOM 2017)
- Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2018)
- Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2019)
- Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2020)
- Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2021)
- Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2021-Winter)
- published by EPiC Series in Computing by EasyChair
- Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2022)
- published by IEEE CPS & IIAI Letters (OCPS)
- Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2022-Winter)
- published by IEEE CPS & IIAI Letters (OCPS)
- Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2023)
- published by IEEE CPS & IIAI Letters (OCPS)
- Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics (AAI 2023-Winter)
- published by IEEE CPS & IIAI Letters (OCPS)