Authors Instruction of IIAI Letters

Guidelines for Submission

IIAI Letters is an open access publication and all papers were reviewed by at least 3 reviewers.

Submissions: Submissions, refereeing, and all correspondence will be conducted through the Paper Management System. Papers should be submitted as MS Word Format. The submitted papers must not have been previously published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. There is no deadline for submitting your papers to this series except for special issues.

Paper template (MS Word)

Paper submission site

Author Instructions: [Abstract] The abstract should be self-contained, citation-free and should not exceed 200 words. [Contents] Manuscripts should include motivation of research such as an introduction section and clarify the contribution as academic/industrial research. [Figures and Tables] Figures and tables in the paper should be of high resolution image and include a caption. Any copyrighted image must include indication in the caption of the original source of the image and that it is being used with permission of the copyright holder. Authors may have to pay the permission fee when the copyright holder of the image requires it. [References] Manuscripts should include a thorough literature review and adequate reference citations to support the arguments and methodology of the research study. All material that is paraphrased or quoted from another source is substantiated with an in-text reference citation. Manuscripts and references must strictly follow IEEE transaction reference style.

Copyright Guidelines: Articles submitted to the IIAI Letters should not have been published before in their current or substantially similar form, or be under consideration for publication with another journal. A copyright form is available after cameraready papers were uploaded.

Paper template (MS Word)

Paper submission site

Workflow: If authors submit the paper to a volume of IIAI Letters for the first time, please create the user account. Please find the “register” at the screen of the journal. Then, authors choose the role as authors and register the paper title, authors, and several other information. Then, authors upload the file. Before submission, authors must check carefully the final version of papers.