Concept into Architecture (CiA) – Integration of Domain Expert Knowledge into the Creation of Operational NAF-Architectures


  • Sebastian Jahnen UniBw Munic
  • Stefan Pickl UniBw Munic



A paper in German, which also deals with CiA, was also submitted to another conference.


Integrating the knowledge of domain experts in the creation of models, especially in challenging tasks such as the creation of enterprise architectures (EA), is of particular importance. The involvement of domain experts in the creation of these models is an important feature of successful projects. The focus of this paper is on the development and application of an easy-to-understand modeling method for collecting expert knowledge and a tool for automated transfer of this generated knowledge into a defined standard. These artifacts are developed and embedded in the specific context of Action Design Research (ADR) principles. Presented as a method called CiA (Concept into Architecture), they support the targeted involvement of domain experts in the modeling process and contribute to the integration of expert knowledge.


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