Efficient Course Management using Moodle Meta Course and Collaborative Teaching Assistant Support for Information Literacy Education

A Case Study of 13 Classes


  • Kahori Ogashiwa Ochanomizu University
  • Toshihiro Kita Kumamoto University
  • Kanako Ikeda Ochanomizu University
  • Hiroko Ueda Ochanomizu University
  • Anna Kuwana Wayo Women's University
  • Michiko Sasakura The University of Electro-Communications
  • Noriko Asamoto Ochanomizu University




collaboration among teaching assistants, common material(s), course meta link, Moodle


Many universities have established compulsory subjects related to information in the first-year experience to acquire information (media) literacy. At Ochanomizu University, quarter classes “Exercises in Information Processing (1)” and “Exercises in Information Processing (2)” are compulsory subjects for all students. There are a total of 13 classes with the same subject name, and they are organized and implemented for each department. The total number of participants was approximately 500. In the present study, we report a case study of class management using the Moodle meta course as an efficient use of common materials for 13 classes. In addition, each of the 13 classes is supported by a different teaching assistant, and we also considered methods for class management to ensure collaborative support among teaching assistants.


Ochanomizu University Moodle 2023, https://moodle.cc.ocha.ac.jp/?lang=en (accessed 2023-04-23) (in Japanese).

Ochanomizu University Syllabus, Exercises in Information Processing (1), https://tw.ao.ocha.ac.jp/Syllabus/index_search.cfm?jugyo=23A0141 (accessed 2023-04-23) (in Japanese).

Ochanomizu University Syllabus, Exercises in Information Processing (2), https://tw.ao.ocha.ac.jp/Syllabus/index_search.cfm?jugyo=23A0161 (accessed 2023-04-23) (in Japanese).

Moodle Docs, Course meta link, https://docs.moodle.org/401/en/Course_meta_link (accessed 2023-04-23).

Moodle Docs, Metacourse examples of use, https://docs.moodle.org/401/en/Metacourse_examples_of_use (accessed 2023-04-23).

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Moodle Structure, Oxford Brookes University, https://telsupport.brookes.ac.uk/articles/how-do-i-meta-link-moodle-courses (accessed 2023-04-23).

Paul Holden, Meta-course group synchronization, https://github.com/paulholden/moodle-local_metagroups (accessed 2023-05-25).

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