Designing a visual analytics system to support a re-designed flipped learning programming class


  • Po-Shan Liao National Central University
  • Hui-Chun Hung National Central University



Flipped learning, Learning analytics dashboard, Programming education, self-regulated learning


Enhancing students’ programming skills has become a critical issue. The development of video streaming technology makes MOOCs an innovative and convenient way to learn programming. However, programming novices were still plagued by the high failure rate of conventional teaching methods. Therefore, this study aims to design a visual analytics system based on the re-designed flipped learning programming class. The re-designed flipped learning model contains a collaborative and co-regulation process. This study designed the instruction activity with SPOCs video. Moreover, to promote students’ self-regulation, we create a visual analytics system to collect students’ coding logs, video-clicking data, and results of peer assessments. The system contains the coding log dashboard, video clicking dashboard and peer assessment dashboard respectively, so students can easily evaluate their learning process. Moreover, this study conducts the experiment to check whether the proposed system and the new class module enhance students’ learning achievement and motivation.


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