Development Metaverse Learning Environment Base On Station Rotation Model To Promote Scientific Literacy And Self-Directed Learning On Topic Sequence Of Geo-logical Event For 10th Grade Students


  • Ranad Sakong Faculty of education, khon kaen university
  • Issara Kanjug
  • Samart Singma
  • Nutthakarn Moeikao



Metaverse, Scientific literacy, Self-directed learning, Station rotation model


This study investigated the effects of a Metaverse learning environment based on the Station Rotation Model on scientific literacy and self-directed learning. The participants were divided into experimental and control groups, with the experimental group receiving the intervention while the control group received traditional instruction. The results showed that the scientific literacy scores of the experimental group significantly improved after the study, with a higher average score than the control group. Similarly, the experimental group showed significantly higher scores in self-directed learning compared to the control group after the intervention. These findings suggest that a Metaverse learning environment based on the Station Rotation Model can enhance students' scientific literacy and self-directed learning.


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