BaleeGraph: Visualizing Co-Creation for Social Good


  • Kaira Sekiguchi The University of Tokyo
  • Yukio Ohsawa The University of Tokyo
  • Makoto Iida The University of Tokyo
  • Hisashi Nakamura The University of Tokyo



Co-Creation, Visualization, Scenario Recommendation, BaleeGraph


Addressing social challenges such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) necessitates the realization of co-creation, where diverse stakeholders have shared interests and complement each other. However, understanding the state of co-creation is challenging, which can render it less effective and manageable. To address this issue, we introduce a novel visualization method called Graph of BALloon tree with Embedding-based Edges (BaleeGraph) for recognizing the co-creation state. BaleeGraph operates on the assumption that each team possesses keywords and employs embedding vectors to calculate keyword similarity among different teams, thereby illustrating their relationships. We validate BaleeGraph's effectiveness through its application to a case study of Climate change actions with Co-creation powered by Regional weather information and E-technology (ClimCORE) project.
BaleeGraph enables participants to identify their strengths and shared interests with other teams. Furthermore, it uncovers paths from each team's keywords to those of the SDGs and analyzes time-series changes in the network structure. We conclude by discussing how BaleeGraph facilitates understanding co-creation for social good.


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