Fusion of Physical and Human Sensors for Condition Prediction

Preliminary Experiments in Smart Agriculture


  • Moritaro Inoue Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Kenta Toya Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Riku Ogawa Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  • Naoshi Uchihira Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology




Internet of Things, Human Sensor, Machine Learning, Condition Prediction, Smart Voice Messaging System


In recent years, the internet of things (IoT) has been used effectively in smart agriculture, where farmers can make decisions and transfer knowledge based on sensor data. However, the physical sensors (temperature, humidity, and illuminance sensors) of IoT systems have limitations in capturing various changes in crops and environment in the actual fields. Combining physical sensors with the human five senses (human sensors) can flexibly record changes that cannot be captured by physical sensors alone. In this study, a smart voice messaging system is used for recording the five human senses via voice messages. Assisted by machine learning, preliminary experiments are conducted using planter boxes for predicting soil condition in the watering process. Our results confirm the effectiveness and validation of fusing physical and human sensors.


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