Teacher-oriented Source Code Similarity Detection and Visualization for Programming Assignments


  • Maxim Mozgovoy University of Aizu
  • Evgeny Pyshkin University of Aizu
  • John Blake University of Aizu
  • Marina Purgina
  • Agnes Leung University of Aizu




In programming classes, instructors need to work with numerous exercise submissions to verify whether the submitted source code meets the requirements, and whether there is any unauthorized borrowing of code fragments.
The checking procedure is laborious requiring much unproductive effort and time. However, ignoring instances of potential plagiarism may negatively impact learner motivation. Despite the existence of practical tools
developed for software testing and similarity detection, there are still issues in developing an open-source submission assessment system that would streamline the classroom workflow. This paper describes a practical submission assessment system that reduces the time teachers spend checking the solutions submitted by students.


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